Kari Lake, republican candidate for the governor of Arizona, tells the brutal truth to a CNN reporter.
She Picked The Wrong Person To Attack.. LOL.
Ask Randall: Climate Change – Who Are The Real Deniers?
Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. The following is Randall Carlson’s definitive response to an affected attempt to label him as a “climate change denier.” Randall is of course more than happy to debate anyone from the pro IPCC global warming alarmist camp, brave enough to engage him in …
Dr. Peter McCullough Exposes Bill Gates’ Plan For Next Lockdown & The Truth About Monkeypox
Dr. Peter McCullough of https://www.americaoutloud.com/ and author John Leake of https://couragetofacecovid.com/ join The Alex Jones Show to break down the true dangers of the monkeypox amid outbreak hysteria.