Alex Jones makes an appearance on Nerdrotic’s FNT Stream. Look for him around the 54 minute mark.
Parents Speak Out About Teacher Exposed for Links to Antifa
West Virginia Governor Drops Bombshell: 25% Increase In Death Amongst Vaccinated Individuals
A shocking revelation by the governor of West Virginia as he explains the struggle to stay alive those that have gotten vaccinated are having.
Taliban Executes Comedian While He Makes Fun Of Them
If you gotta go, go with a smile on your face and show them you are not afraid. This man is on saint Lawrence levels of funny. For those who don’t know st. Lawrence the patron saint of cooks and comedians was grilled alive. His final words were “turn me over I’m done on this side.” Youtube Comment – Blah …
Tucker: This may be the last chance to save California
‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host discusses Larry Elder’s gubernatorial run amid the upcoming recall election on September 14th
VIDEO: Bill Maher Snaps on Leftist for Demanding Covid Booster
Alex Jones breaks down the clip of Bill Maher calling out a brainwashed leftist pushing mandated COVID booster shots.
Archive Footage of Julian Assange in 2011 Exposes the Secrets of America’s 20-Year Afghan War
Alex Jones breaks down the resurfaced clip of Julian Assange exposing criminal operation behind the Afghanistan War in 2011.
Breaking: Lt. Col. Shaffer Breaks Down What Really Happened in Afghanistan
With his extensive background in the military and in U.S. intelligence, Lt. Col Tony Shaffer reacts to the chaos in Afghanistan and President Biden’s speech.