Austin, Texas like many Actblue Soros stronghold’s has a District Attorney problem. InexperiencedGarza’s office reveals the dysfunction we have come to expect from those aiming to tear apart a once thriving Austin Texas and reducing it into a liberal hell hole. Court records show that an Assistant District Attorney with the Travis County DA’s office has resigned. They state the …
Billionaire Commies Come Out Of The Closet
Chinese Communist Dictator Xi Jingping has reaped the loyalty of countless wannabe Communists inhabiting media, education, and the highest bureaucracies in the United States. Xi is praised above all others as the Democratic Socialist left’s leader. An adoption of American hating culture imbued with the evil humanity crushing work camps of totalitarianism is a reasonable outcome for the power mad …
Forensic Audit in Georgia Proves Democrats Double Counted Ballots
The latest evidence being released from the vote audit in Georgia is stunning.
FBI Caught Staging Kidnapping Of Governor Gretchen Whitmer
12 of the 14 men involved in the plot to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer turned out to be federal informants.
FULL SHOW: Texas Republicans Vote To Arrest Democrats Who Abandoned Duties For Political Stunt In DC
As the Democrats announce door to door vaccines and vaccine mandates introduced in Europe, vaccine manufacturers are announcing a change to their vaccine formula to avoid it from being so deadly. This should shock the world and show how diabolical the vaccine agenda is. This is a stage of the new world order tyranny, a stage at which can still …
NWO’s Official Announcement By Government Shocks The Planet
NWO’s Official Announcement By Government Shocks The Planet
Documents Reveal ‘Vaccine Strike Force’ Rural Invasion Plan
Documents Reveal ‘Vaccine Strike Force’ Rural Invasion Plan. More information:
Last In The Ratings Loser Brian Stelter Attacks Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones In Latest Smear
Last in the cable news race Brian Humpy Dumpty Stelter attempts to dig his way out of the ratings no viewer black hole by attacking Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.
Patriots who stand against the Great Reset being targeted for genocide