Check out AwakenWithJP on YT.
Facts About The Fact Checkers
Here are some facts about the fact checkers you may not know. Having everything you post fact checked is important to protect you from free thinking. But who are the all knowing fact checkers who have never been wrong? Check out AwakenWithJP on YoutTube
Welcome to Clown World #Vol.1
A classic from TheOuterLight You can also find them here:… 3Speak:
The Rabbit Hole: The Conspiracy Uprising
From LibertyNation and TheRabbitHole
Christmas Traditions
Check out TheUnitedSpot on Youtube.
Check out TheUnitedSpot on Youtube.
Too Much Fun
Help the United Spot chip in $1 if you can. If not we truly understand. Thank you to everyone who has chipped in, we are so grateful. Thank you all so much. We love all of our subscribers so much. Check out their Youtube Channel.
The Glitch
Another great video from TheUnitedSpot.
This Weeks Special Announcements
Check out TheUnitedSpot on Youtube.